Course Curriculum

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    The Motivation for Method R

    • C01-L00 Intro
    • C01-L01 We Can Do Better FREE PREVIEW
    • C01-L02 Nancy's Problem
    • C01-L03 The Forty-Nine Grievances
    • C01-L04 The Payroll Problem
    • C01-L05 Method R
    • C01-L06 Our First Profiler Engagement
    • C01-L07 Measuring Changes Everything
    • C01-L08 Wrapup
    • Quiz
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    Thinking Clearly about Performance

    • Checkpoint Survey: Before
    • C02-L00 Intro
    • C02-L01 An Axiomatic Approach
    • C02-L02 Feedback
    • C02-L03 Performance
    • C02-L04 Response Time vs Throughput
    • C02-L05 Percentile Specifications
    • C02-L06 Scalability
    • C02-L07 Problem Diagnosis
    • C02-L08 Sequence Diagram
    • C02-L09 Profile
    • C02-L10 Bottleneck
    • C02-L11 Amdahl's Law
    • C02-L12 Skew
    • C02-L13 Scope
    • C02-L14 Efficiency
    • C02-L15 Load
    • C02-L16 Queueing Delay
    • C02-L17 Coherency Delay
    • C02-L18 Managing Load
    • C02-L19 Capacity Planning
    • C02-L20 Parallelism
    • C02-L21 Performance Testing
    • C02-L22 Measuring
    • C02-L23 Performance Is a Feature
    • C02-L24 Three Axioms of Performance
    • C02-L25 Method R
    • C02-L26 Eliminating Calls
    • C02-L27 Wrapup
    • Checkpoint Survey: After
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    Case Study - Row Processing

    • C03-L00 Intro
    • C03-L01 Sequence Diagram
    • C03-L02 The Trace
    • C03-L03 How Long, Why
    • C03-L04 What If, Round 1
    • C03-L05 What If, Round 2
    • C03-L06 What If, Round 3
    • C03-L07 What Else
    • C03-L08 What Have You Learned
    • C03-L09 Photographic Metaphor
    • Fetch Size Quiz
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    Tracing Oracle

    • C04-L00 Intro
    • C04-L01 The Goal
    • C04-L02 Ways to Enable and Disable Tracing
    • C04-L03 What We Want
    • C04-L04 Planning Your Traces
    • C04-L05 The Right Tracing Level
    • C04-L06 Settings
    • C04-L07 Finding Your Trace File
    • C04-L08 Trace File Sizes
    • C04-L09 Measurement Intrusion Effect
    • C04-L10 Data Security
    • C04-L11 Wrapup
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    Oracle Trace Data

    • C05-L00 Intro
    • C05-L01 The Oracle Call Interface
    • C05-L02 "Hello World" Part 1
    • C05-L03 "Hello World" Part 2
    • C05-L04 "Hello World" Part 3
    • C05-L05 Oracle Syscall Instrumentation
    • C05-L06 Oracle Dbcall Instrumentation
    • C05-L07 Call Durations
    • C05-L08 Parent-Child Relationships Part 1
    • C05-L09 Parent-Child Relationships Part 2
    • C05-L10 Total Response Time
    • C05-L11 Unaccounted-for Between Calls
    • C05-L12 Timer Precision Part 1
    • C05-L13 Timer Precision Part 2
    • C05-L14 Commonly Occurring Events
    • C05-L15 A Good Profile
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    • C06-L01 Instrumenting
    • C06-L02 The Experience
    • C06-L03 Sequence Diagrams and Profiles
    • C06-L04 Multiple Experiences in a Trace
    • C06-L05 Connection Pooling
    • C06-L06 Oceans-Islands-Rivers
    • C06-L07 OIR Algorithm
    • C06-L08 OIR in Workbench Part 1
    • C06-L09 OIR in Workbench Part 2
    • C06-L10 Connection Pool Demo Part 1
    • C06-L11 Connection Pool Demo Part 2
    • C06-L12 Connection Pool Demo Part 3
    • C06-L13 Connection Pool Demo, Workbench 9
    • C06-L14 Choosing the Correct Z Value
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    Case Study - Agile PLM

    • C08-L01 Richard
    • C08-L02 Before
    • C08-L03 During
    • C08-L04 After
    • C08-L05 Analysis Part 1
    • C08-L06 Analysis Part 2
    • C08-L07 Analysis Part 3
    • C08-L08 Analysis Part 4
    • C08-L09 Project Recap
    • C08-L10 Perspective
    • C08-L11 A Love Story
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    Skew Analyzer - mrskew

    • C09-L01 Motivation
    • C09-L02 Using mrskew
    • C09-L03 mrskew vs Profiling
    • C09-L04 rc Files
    • C09-L05 Examples - Grouping
    • C09-L06 Examples - Selecting
    • C09-L07 Examples - Prod vs Sandbox
    • C09-L08 Examples - Stripping Hints
    • C09-L09 Examples - exec_id
    • C09-L10 Quoting
    • C09-L11 Examples - IO Latency
    • C09-L12 Examples - Libary Cache Miss
    • C09-L13 Examples - Finding Z
    • C09-L14 Histograms
    • C09-L15 The Other rc Files
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    Unaccounted-for Time

    • C10-L01 Motivation
    • C10-L02 UAFWC
    • C10-L03 UAFBC
    • C10-L04 UAFWC and UAFBC
    • C10-L05 Preemptive Multitasking
    • C10-L06 Paging and Swapping
    • C10-L07 Case Study Part 1
    • C10-L08 Case Study Part 2
    • C10-L09 Lessons Learned
    • C10-L10 Moral
    • C10-L11 Tracing mrprof Part 1
    • C10-L12 Tracing mrprof Part 2
    • C10-L13 Tracing mrprof Part 3
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    Logging and Monitoring

    • C11-L01 Homemade Logging
    • C11-L02 Check for Updates
    • C11-L03 Innovative Specs
    • C11-L04 Marking Your Code - PLSQL
    • C11-L05 Marking Your Code - Java
    • C11-L06 Begin and End Task
    • C11-L07 Trace Only Some Executions
    • C11-L08 Manage Levels
    • C11-L09 Help Debug Trace
    • C11-L10 Wrapup
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    • C12-L00 Intro
    • C12-L01 Response Time Part 1
    • C12-L02 Response Time Part 2
    • C12-L03 N Times Faster
    • C12-L04 Response Time Recap
    • C12-L05 Capacity Planning
    • C12-L06 Capacity Planning - Disk
    • C12-L07 Capacity Planning - Network
    • C12-L08 Capacity Planning - Memory
    • C12-L09 Capacity Planning - CPU
    • C12-L10 Capacity Planning Recap
    • C12-L11 Course Recap
    • Before you go...